Vikrant Post #4 Comment

Hello Vikrant, I’ve also found that I have the best learning experiences when the course is flexible in how I can show my knowledge of the subject. I feel like the normal class structure of a couple assignments worth 40% and then a final exam that’s worth 60% is unfair to those who don’t work… Continue reading Vikrant Post #4 Comment

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Sabrina Post #3 Comment

Hello Sabrina, I think the video you chose is great. What’s even better is the activities you chose to assign to the learners after watching the video. I believe so much can be learned from just exploring. I’ve found when learning something new having a list of tasks to follow can hinder the learning process,… Continue reading Sabrina Post #3 Comment

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Jackson Post #2 Comment

Hello Jackson, I think the video you chose is super interesting! I believe the process of commenting and reflecting on the learning material is very important. It forces the learner to actively think about what they were just taught and how they could possibly apply it in the future. I think this video is a… Continue reading Jackson Post #2 Comment

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Peer Review

I chose to do my peer review on Play Based Learning I found this topic very interesting, I’ve always wondered if there was a better way to teach younger children rather than keeping them in a classroom all day. The resources design is well organized and easy to follow. I also enjoy how you… Continue reading Peer Review

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Samantha Post #1 Comment

I love to hear that through a school project you were able to learn more about your family and spark an interest in a new subject.

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The elements of a poem video

1. The video does not require anything. It only attempts to spark the learners curiosity about the subject. It shares part of a thought provoking poem at the end of the video and then calls the learner to research the poem and continue reading it. It would also be very easy to quiz the learners… Continue reading The elements of a poem video

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Learning Environment Barriers

An example of universal design in engineering is having signage provided in multiple forms, (ie. standard, large font, electronic and braille). I see this form of universal design used in testing all the time. There is the standard option where those without disabilities take the test with a set time limit. There is an electronic… Continue reading Learning Environment Barriers

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Cooperative Learning

Cooperative learning is a type of educational approach that uses classroom activities to help foster learning experiences. Students are put into groups where they must work together to complete goals. This approach teaches students to use each other as resources to evaluate each other and ask one another for information. Every cooperative learning activity includes… Continue reading Cooperative Learning

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My best learning experience

I’ve had many learning experiences in my life but the best one was unsurprisingly not in school. In September of 2021 I signed up for a Scuba diving course, it consisted of online learning, practice pool sessions and 5 ocean dives. For the online learning a behaviorists approach was taken, the course was taught in… Continue reading My best learning experience

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Who am I

I am a 4th year Civil Engineering student at the University of Victoria and I need to take 3 complimentary electives to graduate. I chose this course partially because it seemed pretty interesting but also because it was one of the only classes I could find that was offered during the summer semester and fit… Continue reading Who am I

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