Learning Environment Barriers

An example of universal design in engineering is having signage provided in multiple forms, (ie. standard, large font, electronic and braille). I see this form of universal design used in testing all the time. There is the standard option where those without disabilities take the test with a set time limit. There is an electronic option for those who may be ill, an option which allows those with attention disorders more time to complete the test and even an option where the student is given a TA to read out the question to them. I see this design similar to the following photo.

The multiple options for taking the test are the boxes attempting to provide equity. What if we removed the fence, what if we found a new way to assess students knowledge.

For the same reasons that multiple options are given to take tests I believe that multiple options should be given to show your knowledge of a subject. Rather than only having a test, offer the students different options. Good examples can be a essay/paper, a project designed by the teacher or a presentation about the subject.

This proposed new way of “testing” allows for multiple means of representation, multiple means of action and multiple means of engagement. It would also benefit all learners by giving them every opportunity possible to succeed at showing their knowledge. Those who feel comfortable taking tests can still do them and those who find the stress of tests overwhelming can choose something else.

I personally hate tests. I find every year that I excel during the semester when most of the grading is from assignments and projects but once exam season rolls around my grades plummet. I find the stress of the exam overwhelms me and I end up freezing up and forgetting everything which I had studied.

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